Two weekends back, me and two friends went to the cinema in Sint Niklaas, a city in East Flanders, Belgium. Some lol’ed stuff happened though:
As usual, we bought our tickets at one of the ticket machines at the entrance. To be more precise, our favourite machine, which, as all others there, runs on Windows XP (win!), but is a little more bugged, since it allows you to get rid of the reservation application in several ways. For some reason we got blank tickets, with nothing printed on them 😮 We tried to go to the room where the film we wanted to see (The Book of Eli) was played, but did not get access, since they first had to check the misbehaving machine. In the meanwhile, two other people had bought a ticket at that machine, but didn’t get anything out of it at all. After 5 mins of waiting they came to fix up the machine by resetting some stuff, and we could finally go and see the movie we came for. It’s so typical this happens to use, and we have to wait there for 5 mins!
You have absolutely no reason to think I somehow managed to get free tickets from the machine, and then mess it up, so we could go watch the film for free. Therefore the title of this blog post is obviously highly misleading.