In about two weeks, I will be giving a presentation about static code at 0×20, the Gent hackerspace.
This is a follow up on the Clean Functions presentation I gave there about a month ago. Like that one, “The S in STUPID” is all about how to write clean code and how to avoid common pitfalls. This time that is done by closely examining the static keyword, and the implications of its usage.
As with the Clean Functions presentation, this one is being recycled from one I gave to my Wikidata colleagues a while back. I’ll be porting the slides to my current favourite slide engine, Reveal.js, and improving both the quality and comprehensiveness of the included material.
You can read the abstract, which is already available. Attendance is free (though a small donation to 0×20 is much appreciated). If you want to attend, please indicate your interest in the doodle.
You can skip this presentation at your own risk, though then do not blame me if you end up like this poor cat.