Over the 15+ years of my development career, I have learned several things that significantly increase my effectiveness. In this…
PHP has introduced a number of new features that allow you to write awesome Value Objects with PHP 8.1. In…
I’m happy to announce the immediate availability of FileFetcher 4.0.0. FileFetcher is a small PHP library that provides an OO…
This blog post is a reply to Dan’s presentation Why Every Element of SOLID is Wrong. Dan’s presentation is crammed…
During the last few weeks I’ve been refactoring some horrible Lua code. This has been a ton of fun so…
This is the fourth post in my Missing in PHP7 series. The previous one is about Value Objects. In this…
This is the third post in my Missing in PHP7 series. The previous one is about named parameters. A Value Object…
This is the second post in my Missing in PHP7 series. The previous one is about function references. 2020 update: named parameters…
I have a number of web-based presentations online on the software craftsmanship topic. You can find these on the software…
In about two weeks, I will be giving a presentation about static code at 0×20, the Gent hackerspace. This is…